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Table 1 Variable description

From: Reporting heterogeneity in self-assessed health among elderly Europeans

variable name

variable description


Self-assessed health, 1 = excellent, 5 = poor

Survey Period

1 if survey period 2006/2007


1 if female


Age in years


Age squared divided by 100

Marital status

1 if living with a partner or a spouse


1 if foreign


1 if respondent has got one or more grandchildren


1 if respondent has got one or more children

Very low income

1 if income ≤ 50 % of the country’s median equivalent net household income

Low income

1 if income > 50 % but ≤ 75 % of the country’s median equivalent net household income

High income

1 if income > 125 % but ≤ 150 % of the country’s median equivalent net household income

Very high income

1 if income > 150 % of the country’s median equivalent net household income


1 if the level of education according to the ISCED scale is 3 or 4 (reference is ISCED category 1 and 2)


1 if the level of education according to the ISCED scale is 5 or 6 (reference is ISCED category 1 and 2)


1 if respondent has ever been a daily smoker for at least one year


1 if respondent has been drinking alcoholic beverages at least once or twice a week over the past six months

Physical activity

1 if respondent is engaged in vigorous physical activity like sports or heavy housework at least once a week

Physical condition

Index of respondents physical health status

Mental condition

Index of respondents mental health status

Doctor visits 1-3

1 if 1 to 3 doctor visits in the last 12 months

Doctor visits 4-11

1 if 4 to 11 doctor visits in the last 12 months

Doctor visits >11

1 if more than 11 doctor visits in the last 12 months

Hospital nights 1-6

1 if 1-6 nights in hospital in the last 12 months

Hospital nights 7-14

1 if 7-14 nights in hospital in the last 12 months

Hospital nights >14

1 if more than 14 nights in hospital in the last 12 months

Out-of-Pocket Exp.

Out-of-Pocket health expenditures as percentage of total expenditures on health

Public Health Exp.

Public health expenditures as percentage of total expenditures on health

Effective Retirement Age

Average effective age of retirement