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Table 1 Characteristics of stable and unstable patients

From: The costs of schizophrenia and predictors of hospitalisation from the statutory health insurance perspective


Stable patients* (n = 8497)

Unstable patients** (n = 1449)

Age (years), mean (SD)

49 (13.3)

42 (13.0)

Female, n (%)

4118 (48.8)

692 (47.8)

Patients with depot neuroleptics, n (%)

1127 (13.3)

187 (12.9)

Continuously drug treated patients, n (%)

4651 (54.7)

505 (34.9)

Mean number of doctor visits, (SD)

36 (27.7)

29 (31.5)

Number of patients with rehabilitation paid by statutory health insurance, n (%)

22 (0.3)

14 (1.0)

Number of patients with an inability to work episode of more than six weeks, n (%)

289 (3.4)

74 (5.1)

Number of patients with hospital treatment in 2004, n (%)

822 (9.7)

271 (18.7)

Number of patients with co-morbid substance abuse, n (%)

1167 (13.7)

269 (18.6)

  1. * Stable patients were defined as those persons, who did not have to be treated in a hospital in both 2005 as well as in 2006 due to a diagnosis of schizophrenia (ICD F20).
  2. ** Patients were defined as unstable if they were hospitalised because of a diagnosis of schizophrenia in 2006.