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Table 4 Statistical analysis and categorisation of outcome for early benefit assessment in Germany (G-BA/IQWIG) and single technology appraisal in England (NICE) – a comparison

From: Requirements for benefit assessment in Germany and England – overview and comparison

Methodological element

Benefit assessment in Germany (G-BA/IQWIG)

Single Technology Appraisal in England (NICE)

Systematic reviews & meta-analyses

Assessment of review quality; assessment of heterogeneity.

Assessment of data quality; assessment of heterogeneity.

NICE may commission an additional independent review.

Sensitivity analyses

Done with regard to methodological aspects of information retrieval and evaluation.

Done with regard to methodological aspects of information retrieval and evaluation, and uncertainty associated with parameter precision (probabilistic sensitivity analysis).

Quality of evidence base


Level of evidence

Clearly defined levels of evidence.

Defined levels of evidence.

Quality of studies (internal validity)

Classification of potential bias.

Quantification of potential bias.

G-BA may request further evidence as part of the decision.

NICE guidance may be reviewed/up-dated 1–5 years after initial appraisal.

Validity of endpoints

Classification of potential bias

Quantification of potential bias

(blinding, ITT, reporting).

(blinding, ITT, reporting).

Extrapolation of results (modeling)

Not done.

Qualitative extrapolation and quantitative modeling of data regarding study duration, patient population, choice of comparator, and type of outcomes.

Generalisability of study results (external validity)

Descriptive evaluation.

Qualitative description or quantitative extrapolation (modeling).

Categorisation of outcome

Proof/indication/hint/no proof of (lack of) (additional) benefit (or harm).

Recommended/optimised/only in research/not recommended.

  1. Abbreviation: G-BA Federal Joint Committee, IQWiG Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care, ITT Intention-to-treat, NICE National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.