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Table 2 Variable definitions

From: A multilevel analysis of prenatal care and birth weight in Kenya



Birth weight

Birth weight in grams.

Birth weight reported

1 if child’s birth weight is reported;


0 otherwise.

Adequate prenatal care

1 if prenatal care is sought from a skilled


provider (doctor or nurse), the total


number of visits is at least four, and the


first prenatal care visit occurs within four


months of pregnancy; 0 otherwise.

mother’s age at birth

mother’s age at time of birth of child in

of child


Birth order

child’s birth order.

Twin or multiple birth

1 if child is twin or from a multiple birth,


0 otherwise.

Urban residence

1 if area of residence is urban; 0 otherwise.

No education

1 if mother has no formal schooling;


0 otherwise.

Primary education

1 if mother’s highest education level is


primary; 0 otherwise.

Secondary education

1 if mother’s highest education level is


secondary; 0 otherwise.

Higher education

1 if mother’s highest education level is


higher; 0 otherwise.

Number of living

Number of living children born to mother.



Never married

1 if mother has never been married;


0 otherwise.

Final say on own

1 if mother has final say on own health

health care

care; 0 otherwise.

First born child

1 if child is first born; 0 otherwise.

Male child

1 if sex of child is male; 0 otherwise.

Preceding birth interval

The interval in months between birth of


the child under study and the immediate


preceding birth to the mother.

Mother wanted

1 if Yes; 0 otherwise.



Wealth index

household’s wealth index, ranges from 1


to 5.

Average distance to

Provincial level average distance to

nearest health facility

nearest health facility in kilometres.

Health facilities per

Number of health facilities per 100,000 of

100,000 of population

population, measured at the provincial



Selection term

Term constructed from the selection


model that controls for sample selection



Prenatal care residual

Generalized residuals from the prenatal


care model.