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Table 2 Data description and sources

From: Socio-economic determinants of life expectancy in Nigeria (1980 – 2011)





Log of Life expectancy

World Development Indicator


Log of Secondary school enrolment rate per population per year. It was used to proxy literacy rate as a social factor and ability to keep simple health ideals.

World Development Indicator; World Bank data 2011.


Log of Government expenditure on health. It is used to proxy government policy on health

World Development Indicator; World Bank data 2011.


Log of Per-capita income. It is the ratio of the country’s GDP and the population. It is used to proxy wealth as a determinant of life expectancy

World Development Indicator; World Bank data 2011.


Log of Exchange rate. It is used to proxy cost of living effects on life expectancy. Especially as Nigeria is an import dependent economy.

Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) statistical bulletin Several issues.


Log of Unemployment.

Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) annual report several issues, CBN statistical reports several issues [33], cited in Derived from data on UPR.

It is another variable for welfare/economic condition of the populace.

  1. Source: World Bank and CBN.
  2. Note: The log value of the data was taken, so that the coefficient estimates of the covariates can also be read as elasticity. Life expectancy figures were computed on yearly basis where a year was taken to be 365 days.