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Table 2 Summary of binge drinking and price/tax studies

From: Binge drinking and alcohol prices: a systematic review of age-related results from econometric studies, natural experiments and field studies

Study & year; H if Harvard CAS sample

Binge drinking measures & quantity

Price/tax measures

Results for statistical significance

Youth studies

Bhatt (2011) [35]

2+ episodes, 5+ drinks

ACCRA beer


Carpenter et al. (2007) [36]

Any, 5+ drinks

beer tax

Not significant

Chaloupka & Laixuthai (1997) [37]

Any, 5+ drinks

ACCRA beer

Signif. 1989, not signif. pooled

Chatterji (2001) [38]

Any, 5+ drink; No. episodes

beer tax

Not significant

Cowan (2011) [39]

No. episodes, 5+ drinks

beer tax

Not significant

Dee (1999b) [40]

Any, 5+ drinks

beer tax

Not significant w/ fixed-effect

Dee (1999c) [41]

Any, 5+ drinks

beer tax

Not significant w/ fixed-effect

Dee & Evans (2003) [42]

Any, 5+ drinks

beer tax

Not significant w/ fixed effect

Grossman (2005) [43]

Prevalence, 5+ drinks

BLS beer index


Laixuthai & Chaloupka (1993) [44]

Any, 5+ drinks

beer tax

Signif. 1982, not signif. 1989

Markowitz (2001) [45]

No. episodes, 5+ drinks

beer tax


Medina (2011) [46]

Prevalence, 5+ drinks

BLS beer index

Signif., except males

Nair (2001) [47]

Any, 5+ drinks

beer tax

Signif. males, not females

Nelson (2008) [48]

Prevalence, 5+ drinks

beer tax

Not significant w/ fixed effect

Renna (2007) [49]

2+ episodes, 6+ drinks

beer tax

Not significant

Saffer & Dave (2006) [50]

Any, 5+ drinks

ACCRA ave.

MTF, signif. female, not male

Saffer & Dave (2006) [50]

Any, 5+ drinks

ACCRA ave.

NLSY, not significant

Xuan et al. (2013) [51]

Any, 5+ drinks

beer tax

Not signif. w/ adult binge incl.

Young adult studies

Bray (2000, 2005) [52,53]

3+ episodes, 6+ drinks

beer tax

Men only, not significant

Chaloupka &Wechsler(1996) [54], H

Any, 5/4+ drinks

ACCRA beer

Not significant, both genders

Cook & Moore (1994) [55]

4+ episodes, 6+ drinks

beer tax

Signif. female; not signif. male

Cook & Moore (2001) [56]

4+ episodes, 6+ drinks

beer tax

Not significant, both genders

Cowell (2006) [57]

Any, 6+ drinks; 4+ episodes

beer tax

Men only, not significant

French & Maclean (2006) [58]

No. days intoxicated

beer tax

Signif. male; not signif. female

Gius (2003) [59]

Any, 6+ drinks

Wt. ave. tax

Not significant

Grossman et al. (1987) [60]

No. drinks per day, incl. 6+

BLS prices

Not significant

Keng & Huffman (2007) [62] & Keng (1998) [61], 2 studies

4+ episodes, 6+ drinks

ACCRA ave., ACCRA beer

Significant ave. price; not significant for beer price

Kenkel (1993) [63]

No. episodes, 5+ drinks

ACCRA ave.

Signif. female; not signif. male

Nelson (2008) [48]

Prevalence, 5+ drinks

beer tax

Not significant

Powell et al. (2002) [64], H

Any, 5/4+ drink; 3+ episode

Ave price, fix fee

Signif. price; fix fee mixed

Rhoads (2010)

Any, 5+ drink; No. episodes

ACCRA ave.

Not significant

Sutton & Godfrey (1995) [65]

Units per week, incl. 36+

Price index

Men only, significant

Wechsler et al. (2000) [66], H

Any, 5/4+ drinks

Ave. price, free

Signif. price; not signif. free

Weitzman et al. (2003) [67], H

Any, 5/4+ drinks

Ave price, fix fee

Significant both prices

Williams et al. (2005) [68], H

Any, 5/4+ drink; No. drunk

Ave price, fix fee

Signif. price; not signif. fix fee

Wolaver (2007) [69], H

Any, 5/4+ drink; Any drunk

Ave, fix fee, free

Not significant, both genders

Wolaver et al. (2007a) [70], H

Any, 5/4+ drink; 2+ episode

Ave price, fix fee

Not signif. w/ binge rate incl.

Adult studies

Asgeirsdottir et al. (2012) [72]

Any, 5+ drinks

Price index

Not significant

Ayyagari et al. (2013) [29]

No. episodes, 4+ drink

ACCRA ave.

Not significant

Byrnes et al. (2013) [74]

No. drinks per day, incl. 5+

Price index

Not significant

Cook (2007) [75]

Any, 5/4+ drinks

Wt. ave. tax

Significant, both genders

Davalos et al. (2012) [76]

Any, 5/4+ drink; No episode

beer tax


Dee (1999a) [41]

Any, 5+ drinks

Three taxes

Not significant, both genders

Gius (2002) [77]

Any, 6+ drinks

Three taxes

Not significant

Kenkel (1993) [63]

No. episodes, 5+ drinks

ACCRA ave.

Significant, both genders

Kenkel (1996) [78]

No. episodes, 5+ drinks

ACCRA ave.

Not signif. except well-info

Ludbrook et al. (2012) [79]

50/35+ units per week

Low price index


Manning et al. (1995) [31]

Any, 5+ drink; No. episodes

ACCRA ave.

Mixed results; signif. part.

McLellan (2011) [80]

Any, 5+ drinks

ACCRA beer

Not significant, w/ fixed effect

Nelson (2008) [48]

Prevalence, 5+ drinks

beer tax

Not significant

Popovici & French (2013) [81]

No. episodes, 5/4+ drinks

ACCRA prices

Not significant, both genders

Rhoads (2010)

Any, 5+ drink; No. episodes

ACCRA ave.

Mixed results; signif. freq.

Sloan et al. (1995) [82]

Any, 5+ drink; No. episodes

ACCRA ave.

Mixed results; signif. freq.

Stout et al. (2000) [83]

Any, 5+ drinks

ACCRA ave.

Not significant

Terza (2002) [84]

Top 10% of use

beer tax

Not significant

Zhang (2010) [85]

Any, 5+ drinks

Three taxes

Women, significant

Experiments & field studies

Chung et al. (2013) [86]

Any, 5/4+ drinks

100% tax cut

Not significant

Clapp et al. (2003) [87]

Any, 5+ drinks

Free drinks

Not significant

Gmel et al. (2008) [88]

40/20 g + per day

30-50% tax cut

Not significant, long-run

Gustafsson (2010) [89]

No. units, top 10% of use

45% tax cut

Not significant

Heeb et al. (2003) [90]

Any, 6/4+ drinks

9-50% tax cut

Not significant

Helakorpi et al. (2010) [91]

Any, 6+ drinks

33% tax cut

Mixed results, both genders

Jamison & Myers (2008) [92]

Any, 5/4+ drinks

Price specials

Not significant

O’Mara et al. (2009) [94]

Breath test; no. grams

Price per gram

Significant on-premise

Stockwell et al. (1993) [95]

Any, 6/4+ drinks

Price specials

Not significant

Thombs et al. (2008, 2009) [96,97]

Breath test

Price specials

Fixed fee signif., others not

Wagoner et al. (2012) [98]

Any, 5/4+ drinks

Free drinks


  1. Price-binge relationships are judged using a 95% confidence interval (p ≤ 0.05) for statistical significant. Studies with more definitive statistical results are indicated in bold type. Complete references are in Additional file 2 and more detailed results are in Additional file 1 for the on-line supplemental tables. Unpublished studies are: S-H Keng: The demand for health, alcohol abuse, and labor market outcomes: a longitudinal study, unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Ames, IA: Iowa State University; 1998. JK Rhoads: Consequences of tobacco control policies: intended and unintended, unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Chicago: University of Illinois at Chicago; 2010.