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Table 5 Benchmark functional specifications and parameters

From: Waiting time distribution in public health care: empirics and theory

\(g(k_{d})= a_{d}{k_{d}^{3}} + b_{d}{k_{d}^{2}} + c_{d}k_{d}\)

Utility from treating k patients with duration d

where \(a_{d} = -0.0002 + \frac {0.0001}{d}\)

parameters of the cubic utility function

\(b_{d} = 0.02-\frac {0.01}{d}\)


\(c_{d} = 2 + \frac {5}{d}\)


c(k d )=ρ d k d

Cost from treatments at duration d

where \(\rho _{d} = \frac {20}{d^{2}}\)

parameter of the linear duration cost function

\(c(k)= \tau (k-\overline {k})^{2}\)

Scale cost of the total number of patients treated

where \(\bar {k}=900\)

Hospital’s capacity in terms of number of patients


sensitivity of cost to deviations from full capacity \(\bar {k}\)


Hospital’s budget


Potential demand for healthcare

θ =50

Sensitivity of inflow to expected waiting time

q = 36

Maximum allowed waiting time