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Table 4 Potential gateways to institutional corruption

From: Hospital physician payment mechanisms in Austria: do they provide gateways to institutional corruption?

Breakdown/motivation structure according to federal/state laws

potentially promotes

puts at risk

• Existence of a physician fee per se

prioritization of supplementary- insured patients, increasing/by-passing public waiting lists

equal treatment for equal needs in terms of volume, range, timing and access

• Restriction of hospital and physician fees to inpatient (day) care

inpatient care of outpatient (ambulatory) care

service provision at the ‘best point of service’ and relief of the inpatient sector

• Limiting the special-class bed capacity to 25% of the overall bed capacity

high capacity utilization

reasonable reduction in the overall bed capacity and capacity-reducing innovations

• Tariffication of physician fees

overprovision of medical services, prolongation of length of stay

equal and efficient service provision

• Possibility of dual practice

redirection of profitable patients to private practice/private hospital

service provision at the ‘best point of service,’ coordinated service provision, prevention and decrease of parallel structures and relief of the inpatient sector

overprovision of medical services through self-referral

focus on private practice at the expense of public health care provision

misuse of public resources for privately offered medical services


outflow of public hospitals’ resources to private hospitals