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Table 2 Core departments und major functions in a public purchasing organization

From: The shaded side of the UHC cube: a systematic review of human resources for health management and administration in social health protection schemes

Organizational unit


Chief executive

Oversight and overall responsibility


Independent inquiry of complaints filed

Public relations

Communicating with the public, annual reports

Working with parliament and the Ministry of Health

Coordinate and exchange with international institutions

Responding to objections and comments from the public

Internal auditing

Auditing of operations of all departments and branches

Reviewing fraud and corruption risks and whistle-blowing

Proposing enhancements for internal operations

Legal affairs

Reviewing supply contracts

Reviewing and preparation of all contracts with providers

Settlement of legal issues with insurees and providers

Actuary and statistics

Assessing financial impact of changes to the benefit package and health technology assessment

Proposing and assessing the impact of cost-sharing schemes

Estimating cost implications of epidemiological and demographic trends to the benefit package

Estimating cost implications on any policy decision that needs to be reflected in the composition of benefit package

Calculation of contribution rates

Actuarial/statistical reports

Human resources and training

Recruiting and retention of staff

Maintaining personnel records

Plan and organize training / educational plans for internal staff


Preparation, running, evaluation of marketing campaigns

Preparation of information booklets and website

Answering queries of insurees, media and civil society


Collecting forms on enrolment or renewals from field staff

Recording data on households/members and sold policies

Issuing insurance cards

Service purchasing

Definition of the benefit package, including costing / pricing and health technology assessment

Development of remuneration mechanisms for providers

Creation and maintenance of classifications

Preparation of model contracts for types of providers

Negotiating with health care providers on contractual terms

Accreditation / maintaining the register of providers

Checking the correctness of claims, medical review

Communicating with providers on findings and problems

Finance and accounting

Accounting for all financial operations, valuating claims

Producing basic accounting reports for the annual report

Depositing/investing available funds


Specification of requirements for IT support

Design and maintenance of all forms for business processes

Communication with IT vendors

Running help desk for internal staff

Organizational development

Define the different staff positions regarding the tasks and the corresponding requirements in skills and expertise

  1. Source: Authors, based on [20]