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Table 1 Framework for the characteristics of capitation payment mechanism

From: Attribute development and level selection for a discrete choice experiment to elicit the preferences of health care providers for capitation payment mechanism in Kenya




1. Adequacy or sufficiency of the payment rate

The extent to which the payment rate covers the costs of services purchased



2. Predictability of payment amounts

Whether providers know what amount to expect



3. Predictability of payment patterns

Whether providers know when they will get paid



4. Complexity of the accountability mechanisms associated with the PPM

The complexity of the accountability and reporting mechanisms associated with the PPM

Simple accountability requirements

Complex/burdensome accountability requirements

5. Service coverage of the PPM

The range of services the PPM is paying for

Outpatient services, inpatients services, dental, optical, surgical, nursing care

6. The performance requirements of the PPM

Whether the PPM is tied to performance

Payments tied to performance

Payments not tied to performance

7. Flexibility or autonomy of the PPM

Autonomy health care providers have to spend or use the PPM funds on anything

Autonomous (Flexible)

Restricted (Rigid)

  1. Adapted from RESYST consortium’s framework on the characteristics of multiple funding flows [32]