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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: The impact of social, national and community-based health insurance on health care utilization for mental, neurological and substance-use disorders in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review


Inclusion Criteria

Exclusion Criteria

Study Design

Any quantitative study design

Qualitative studies unless they reported a quantification of mental health care utilization


Available in the English Language

Unavailable in the English Language


Low- and Middle-Income counties either in 1987 or in 2017 to allow for income changes over time

High Income countries in 1987, that remained high income in 2017.


Peer-reviewed academic articles

Policy reviews, systematic reviews, opinion pieces, editorials, letters to the editor, book chapters, commentaries or conference abstracts


Studies the impact of community-based, national or social health insurance on mental healthcare utilization

Does not study the impact of community-based, national or social health insurance on mental healthcare utilization or, examines the impact of private health insurance on mental healthcare utilization.