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Table 3 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria of Scoping Literature Review

From: Practices of decision making in priority setting and resource allocation: a scoping review and narrative synthesis of existing frameworks

Inclusion Criteria

Exclusion Criteria

Empirical study or exercise of priority setting in so far as it involves choice making at any level in the health system (e.g. national, provincial/state, regional, single organization)

Priority setting for non-health care settings (animal, environmental, education, etc.)

Exercises that involve priority setting for health research

Reviews, commentaries or think pieces (although they may be kept for broader context)

Studies in low- or middle-income country (LMICs)

Presentation of an actual framework for decision making in relation to priority setting (e.g., CEA in and of itself, or MCDA in and of itself, does not constitute a framework for priority setting)

Procurement, supply management, other purely financial mechanisms for cost containment

Descriptions of bedside or strictly clinically focused priority setting/rationing, including organ donation

Descriptions of only a single aspect of priority setting, even if empirically focused (e.g. public engagement, evaluation activity) where the whole process or framework is not described