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Table 1 Overview of DCE attributes and levels

From: The impact of different care dependencies on people’s willingness to provide informal care: a discrete choice experiment in Germany


Attribute description


Expected period of caregiving (duration of care)

The period of time the caregiver would care for and/or look after the person in need of care.

6 months

2 years

5 years

Care time

(hours per day)

The amount of time (hours per day) the caregiver would provide care and/or supervise the person in need of care at home (e.g. personal care, household tasks, doctor visits etc.)

2 h per day

5 h per day

8 h per day

Formal care services

(frequency per week)

The frequency of professional support that is additionally available to the caregiver (e.g. outpatient care services can assist with personal care or counsellors can help with any open questions). A visit lasts about 30 min.


3 to 4 times a week



(weeks per year)

The number of weeks a year that are available to the caregiver for a variety of respite options. During this time period, professionals care for the individual in need (e.g. during vacation).


3 weeks per year

6 weeks per year

Monetary compensation

(€ per hour)

A wage replacement benefit (net) at the personal disposal of the caregiver. Paid as a financial compensation per hour for the care provided (in addition to the existing cash benefits by the LTC insurance in Germany).

€0 per hour

€6 per hour

€12 per hour