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Table 2 Description of the person in need of care (care dependency)

From: The impact of different care dependencies on people’s willingness to provide informal care: a discrete choice experiment in Germany

Care dependency of person #1

An older close relative of yours is in need of care. This person is severely physically impaired and needs assistance with personal hygiene, climbing stairs and walking. With assistive devices, the person can move around independently to a limited extent. Cognitively, the person is not impaired (no dementia). At times, night-time assistance is needed, as well as being accompanied to doctor’s visits and administering medication.

Care dependency of person #2

An older close relative of yours is in need of care. This person is barely limited in mobility and can still walk and climb stairs independently. However, he or she is becoming increasingly forgetful (dementia) and needs to be reminded about eating/drinking, personal hygiene and supported in the household. At times, you would have to help with personal hygiene or getting dressed. Partly, he/she is also very restless at night and confuses the day and night rhythm. Furthermore, he/she needs assistance with doctor’s visits and administering medication. Orientation outside his/her own home is difficult for him/her.